Thursday, August 20, 2009
Reducing Your Client’s Risk Through Modern Probing
Sophisticated questioning strategies result in a customer centric needs analysis. Salesmasters International Modern Selling development programs uncover what it feels like to be a buyer, reveal what is motivating customers to make a purchase and help you to expose what the buyer is in fact searching for. If you can find out what the prospect wants and excite them about it, they are more likely to consider what you are offering.
Modern Sales Professionals understand that customers can experience discomfort in the selling process. Your ability to be aware of negative emotions clients face will support you in reducing your customer’s risk and set up the right dynamics to apply Modern Probing skills.
Top 4 Buyer Emotions
1. I’m taking a personal risk. I’m concerned that you are selling me what you have rather than what I need.
2. I’m feeling insecure. I don’t know you well yet I have to make a decision about your product/service. I’m not sure that I can trust you.
3. I’m exposed. In buying your product/service I have to discuss my real needs not just my ideals or wishes.
4. I’m skeptical. I have been burned before by these kinds of products/services. How do I know that what you are promising is true?
Top 4 Modern Probing Questions to Combat
1. What do you have now?
2. What do you like most about what you have now?
3. What would you change, alter or improve about what you have now?
4. Who, in addition to yourself, will be involved in the financial decision?
Modern Sales Professionals develop customer centric needs analysis questions to combat negative buyer emotions and reveal what the customer truly wants. Salesmasters International’s Modern Sales development programs set sales people apart from their competitors as they truly understand how to reduce their client’s risk and meet what their customers’ desire and want.
Modern Sales Professionals Build Professional Intimacy
Modern Customer Centric Pacing is the art of authentically aligning you to the client. The most effective way to dramatically improve your skills in customer centric pacing is to learn how effective communication builds professional intimacy. Communication occurs on a number of levels: 7% is through the words we speak; 23% is through the tone of our voice; and 70% is through non-verbal signs. Modern Sales Professionals understand this and have mastered building professional intimacy. Here are a few tips to assist you.
Tip #1: Demonstrate Empathy– Your ability to see a situation from another person’s point of view. Customer Centric Pacing helps to build trust and rapport with your client. Find your common ground and stay on it. People like doing business with people they like. Customer Centric Pacing is a relationship building exercise that enables sales professionals to create a true exchange of thoughts and feelings.
Tip #2 Consider First Impressions– You have one shot to make the best first impression. Customers notice shoes, hairstyle, clothes, posture and state of the surroundings, the way we walk and talk. Your first ten words are more important than the next 10,000.
Tip #3 Establish Rapport- Ask your client for their opinion on a non-controversial subject; ask them about themselves, their hobbies, pastimes, interests, listen to them actively; look them in the eye; display a positive attitude; be sincere; under promise and over deliver; tell the truth; be interested; don’t try to impress; and tell them something personal about yourself.
Tip #4 Matching & Mirroring - You can subtly lead the mirroring by turning into the person with whom you are dealing, mirror their rate, speed and volume of talking. Make the sales encounter a positive one – If is up to you as a Modern Sales Professional to match your prospect’s mood at the start, then lift the mood into a more positive one. When you moods are matched, effective communication can occur.
Salesmasters International’s Modern Selling development programs are practical. Modern Sales Professionals learn that Customer Centric Pacing must be practiced, once you have mastered it, selling is easy and fun! Get into step with your customers, raise their mood, and be positive, caring and friendly. Get the best sales training courses now!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Qualities of a Modern Sales Professional
You know the importance of knowing your product, knowing your company, knowing your clients’ needs and so on, but before you sell anything, you must know who you are and what you stand for as a Modern Sales Professional. Everyone wants to be assured that they are buying from people who care not only about the sale they make, but also about the people they are selling to. Modern Sales Professionals know this; they learn, acquire, develop and nurture core qualities in order to succeed in a sales career. Review and assess how you are going in your quest for becoming a Modern Selling professional by considering the core qualities below.
IMAGE is naturally the first thing that a buyer looks at. Not the image of the product but the image of the Salesperson and the company being represented. Grooming is important. Good clothing is a must. Your health is important. Shape up your body and it will shape up your attitude. Your customers relate financial success with competence. Does your posture, attitude, personality style, tone and inflection of voice create integrity and communicate success? Modern Sales Professionals radiate confidence and strength in their walk, talk, and overall presence.
DEPTH AND BREADTH OF KNOWLEDGE about the product you are selling, the company you represent and your understanding of the Modern Sales Process. Take time to learn more about how your products compete with others and where your company stands. Selling is a changing profession. People demand excellence from their sales professionals. Devote a regular part of your week to learning Modern Selling skills and sharpening your existing ones. Knowledge is power.
POSITIVE ATTITUDE can be your strongest asset if you learn how to reach within for the strength to overcome the obstacles and pain to succeed. Stay in a positive environment; avoid jealousy, gossip, anger or negative thinking. Modern Sales Professionals balance ego, drive and the need for success with warm and sincere empathy for the people they serve.
They focus to keep their lives in balance, and know they must strive for success in their physical fitness, spiritual fulfillment, emotional stability and financial independence.
PROFESSIONALISM is the ability to perceive a client’s need and act towards its solution whether you like it or not. Being professional means taking responsibility for your actions whether admitting mistakes or reaping rewards for your accomplishments. The best selling skills will be wasted if you are not sensitive to your clients needs. Professionalism is not what you do, but how you do the tasks given to you. Pride is your motivation for performing better, knowing that you are a part of something important, knowing that what you are doing is important gives importance to who you are and what you do.
WORK ETHIC and integrity will keep you there. Look forward despite the thousands of no’s you have heard during your career as a Salesperson, the ability to handle disappointments and the willingness to continue to practice, drill and rehearse Modern Selling Skills will ensure you have a strong work ethic. A Modern Sales Professional knows that a dissatisfied customer today will cost several possible opportunities in the future. Sell with the integrity, love the customer and use the money. Do not use the customer and love the money. Be proud to be a Modern Sales Professional.